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Posts Tagged - S3

Implement S3 Bucket Lambda triggers in AWS CloudFormation

Lambda Console with S3 trigger

Implement S3 Bucket Lambda triggers in AWS CloudFormation can be quite tricky because of very often circular dependencies or errors like “Unable to validate the following destination configurations” occur. But if you take notice of the following, working with S3 Lambda triggers in CloudFormation will be easier.

  • First, you have to specify a name for the Bucket in the CloudFormation template, this allows you to create policies and permission without worrying about circular dependencies.
  • Secondly, you have to add a DependsOn statement to the Bucket referencing the Lambda Permission, this helps you to fix “Unable to validate the following destination configurations” errors since the bucket will only get created if the Lambda Function and all necessary policies, roles and permissions are in place.

Below you will find a GitHub Gist with a working example which takes care of all tips mentioned above. In this example, created *.txt files are read from a bucket and then deleted.

Read more: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/unable-validate-destination-s3/

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